I am so excited to announce my very first online solo show, Progression in 3 Movements, through the Women United Art Prize 2022! It will open virtually on March 3, 2023 and be up until April 3, 2023. I want to thank everyone who had a hand in making this happen, especially Mona Lerch and the team at Women United Art Movement, the jurors for the show (Gita Joshi, Sasha-Loriene, Lexi Laine, and Victoria J. Fry) and my cheerleaders and family here at home. I can't wait for you all to see it. I'll send out a link to newsletter subscribers on opening day, so if you aren't already subscribed, go ahead and do that now!

As if that wasn't enough, I am thrilled to also have a piece in Our Voices Carry Weight through the Women's Caucus for Art, DC Chapter in Gaithersburg, MD, which opened on February 3 and runs through April 18, 2023. There is an opening reception at the Activity Center in Bohrer Park (506 South Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877) on March 18 from 2pm to 4pm and I hope to see you there! Special thanks to Sandra Davis for reaching out about this show.
And, I was just thrilled to get the email from SHE:DC that I will have a piece included in that show for Women's History Month either in Shop Made in DC's partner gallery space, La Cosecha or their Georgetown retail location (details on locations coming soon, will keep you all posted). According to Shop Made in DC:
SHE DC is an initiative to illuminate women makers, powered by Shop Made in DC. In March, correlating with Women’s History Month, we celebrate DC’s artists and makers including a curated art show featuring up to 200 DMV women artists, panel discussions and popups with emerging businesses and a final pitch competition for the SHE DC Microgrant.
I will be at the SHE:DC opening party at La Cosecha on March 10 at 5pm and hope to see you there as well! More info on SHE:DC and all of the events around this amazing show are here.
Also, please check out Falls Church Arts' Instagram account. Starting on March 1st, we will be hosting another round of ART Madness, a basketball-tournament-style competition to see which word will win out to be the theme of an upcoming show. It is super fun and you can vote for your favorite word every day in the stories.
Thanks for reading! And, for all your continued love and support!
Congratulations Molly!!!