I feel like I really have some momentum going right now. In addition to the shows I mentioned in this blog post, Danielle Krysa of The Jealous Curator just featured my work on her Instagram feed and I certainly felt the love! My own timeline was overwhelmed with new followers (thank you!), likes (thank you!!) and comments (thank you!!!) - so much so that I am afraid I may have missed something. I always sort of wondered what "going viral" felt like and I am thinking that is what it must be. I try to connect with people who are interested in my work, so if I missed you in the avalanche, reach out again!
I am also thrilled that I will have some work in an upcoming virtual show called Intrinsic Nature, through The Curator's Salon, which is due to open June 21st, 2021 and run through July 18, 2021. This exhibition is being put together by Gita Joshi, the brains behind The Curator's Salon and the book, Show Your Art.
Finally, I have taken on the volunteer position helping Falls Church Arts with their Instagram feed. I'm excited and hope that it will allow me to connect more local artists to FCA and to each other through sharing artwork, opportunities and other fun stuff.

Mind Maps
Mixed Media on Cardboard, 2021